Medical Faculty

AL-Beroni University of Medical Science
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welcome to the new sudetns of admitted recently by the Al-Beroni, Faculty of Medicine was established in 1998 in the framework of Al-Beroni University, considering the necessity of that time.

Faculty of Medicine

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About Us
Al-Beroni, Faculty of Medicine was established in 1998 in the framework of Al-Beroni University, considering the necessity of that time.
This faculty is one of the prestigious government institutions in the framework of Al-Beroni University and the honorable Ministry of Higher Education of the country, which train staff and specialists for the health sector so that they can provide competent services in the health sector for their countrymen in line with the development and progress of the country.
In its 15 academic years, the Faculty of Medicine presented 534 graduates to the society, including 451 males and 83 females. Currently, 840 students are studying in this scientific institution, of which 625 are boys and 215 are girls.
The teaching affairs of this faculty are carried out by the trained staff of the country with MD, master and doctorate degrees and it has a 70-bed teaching hospital to carry out practical and research work with state-owned facilities, It is at the service of dear students and patients in the country.
The Faculty of Medicine is a suitable scientific and academic institution at the national and international level, providing the basis for quality higher education in the field of medicine according to the needs of the Afghan society, and is recognized as a scientific institution at the national and regional level.
The Faculty of Medicine is committed to providing educational and research services according to the needs of today Afghan society, training professional and specialist staff in the field of medicine to the society, in line with the improvement of the professional knowledge capacity (theory, practical, research and management) of students to the country. are performed comprehensively.
- Adherence to the fundamentals of the holy religion of Islam, the effective laws of the country and respect for national values.
- Innovation and initiative in scientific affairs.
- Transparency and accountability.
- Respect for all religious, racial, ethnic and regional values.
- Compliance with balance and impartiality, equality and honesty.
- Doctor of Medicine (MD)
- Dintistry (cooming soon)
- Labratory Technology(cooming soon)
- Medwifery(cooming soon)

Dean of Faculty
Professor Dr. Najeebullah Shafaq MD,MSc,PhD
Dr Najebullah Shafaq presently has the position CEO of Medicine school since November 2019, Lecturer and Associated Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at University of AL-Beroni. Dr. Najebullah Shafaq has several experiences at Department of General Surgery, Ibnesina Emergency Hospital from 10/02/2002 to 19/03/2003 Worked with surgical team as a doctor, Department of Orthopedic surgery Wazir Akbar Khan hospital from 20/03/2003 to 04/09/2006, Worked at Wazir Akbar khan hospital, Department of orthopedic and Trauma surgery in training program for residency. He recieved fellowship in Special Clinical training in minimal invasive orthopedic surgery in Osaka city university hospital, Osaka city general hospital, and seikekai hospital Osaka Japan from 27/03/2005 to 19/07/2005. Training in Orthopedic spine surgery in Osaka city university graduate medical school hospital Osaka Japan. He had multiple responsibilities, Pre and post operative care of the patients . Preparation of the patients for surgical procedure. Attending in word round Attending operation as a assistant and learning the operation method and skills. Such as inguinal hernia, acute abdomen, appendicitis cholecystitis.
Articles publication
1: Pathomechanism of lumbar ligamentum flavum hypertrophy in degenerative lumbar spinal canal stenosis has been published in April 2012 in the international authoritative journal entitled (Journal of Spinal Disorders and Technique).
2: Microscopic bilateral decompression via unilateral approach in degenerative lumbar scoliosis Published in the journal of minimally invasive orthopedic surgery in Japanese December 2010.
3: Asymmetric degeneration of paraspinal muscle in the patients with degenerative lumbar scoliosis Has been published in July 2012 in the international authoritative Journal entitled (Spine Journal)
4: At least 8 publication at AL-Beroni Scholar Academic Journal.

Associated Dean
Dr. Naim Mansor MD, MSc
List of Pubilcation

Associated Professor for International Test
Dr. Ahmad Mustafa Rahimi MD, MSc
List of Publication
Dr. Ahmad Mustafa Rahimi is an Academic member and lecturer at AL-Beroni University (School of Medicine) since 2011 (up to now). Dr. Ahmad Mustafa Rahimi Worked at Emam Zaman Hospital 2011 - 2017. (Gastro intestinal department) part time in Kabul. Dr. Ahmad Mustafa Rahimi has MSc deagree in pathophysiology (Tehran University of Medical Science) (TUMS) 2020. He also Completed Specialty Training Program (Internal Diseases) at Jamhoriat National Hospital - 2015. He acheived MD degree of Balkh University (School of Medicine) -2011. Dr. Rahimi Graduated from Nawab Kamal Ultrasound institute - 2011. He Graduated from Khorasan English Language Training Center, IRC System -2000. He is Diploma and has Certificate in EFL (English as a Foreign Language), Silk Road English Center(IAM Organization), New Adventure System - 2008. He Graduated from three months Information Technology course of Young Nauk Center at Balkh University - 2006. He Graduated from Writing Skills Program from Silk Road English Center - 2009. He Completed medical English in Silk Road English center - 2008. He Graduated from Habibia High School – 2003.
List of Publication
Academic (ISI) papers published in international journals.1. Shafie A, Rahimi AM, Ahmadi I, Nabavizadeh F, Ranjbaran M, Ashabi G. High-protein and low-calorie diets improved the anti-aging Klotho protein in the rats’ brain: the toxic role of high-fat diet. Nutrition & Metabolism. 2020;17(1):1-12.
2. رحیمی, مصطفی ا, شفیعی, آناهید, زاده ن, اصحابی, et al. مقایسه اثر سه نوع رژیم غذایی پر چربی، پر پروتئین و کم کالری بر بیان ژنهای Klotho و TGF-β در کبد و سرم خون موشهای صحرایی نر پیر نژاد ویستار. مجله علوم تغذیه و صنایع غذایی ایران. 2020;15(3):1-8.
3. Rahimi AM, Nabavizadeh F, Ashabi G, Halimi S, Rahimpour M, Vahedian J, et al. Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus supplementation improved capecitabine protective effect against gastric cancer growth in male BALB/c mice. Nutrition and Cancer. 2021;73(10):2089-99.
4. Shayan SJ, Rahimi AM, Kiwanuka F, Abdullahi M. Demographic Profile of Gastric Cancer in Afghanistan. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2020;11(3):344-7.
5. Rahimpour M, Ashabi G, Rahimi AM, Halimi S, Panahi M, Alemrajabi M, et al. Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 Treatment Enhanced Efficacy of Capecitabine against Colon Cancer in Male Balb/c Mice. Nutrition and Cancer. 2022;74(7):2622-31. (2-5)
International Journals
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Phone: 0093775858509
Address: 1st district, Kohistan Street, Kapisa Afghanistan 1254